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In 2018 I created the #DontTellMeHowToDress social movement against victim blaming and sexual assault. What started as a rant on social media soon turned into a full blown campaign and the creation of an exhibition of survivors clothing worn at the time of their assault. DTMHD aims to
RAISE AWARENESS on the issue of gender-based violence and sexual assault.
EMPOWER WOMEN to speak up and express themselves.
ENCOURAGE ACTION from public and government.
EDUCATE future generation about equality and respect.
UN Women Goodwill Ambassador Asia-Pacific
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In Oct 2020, I was honoured to receive the appointment as UN Women Goodwill Ambassador to Asia-Pacific. UN Women is the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women and was established to accelerate progress on meeting their needs worldwide. I intend to fulfil my duty as spokesperson for UN Women policies as well as continue to advocate to stop violence and other abuses against women to the best of my abilities.
Author of “My Body My Rules”
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One of the key ways to reduce sexual assault and gender-based violence is though providing comprehensive sexuality education for our children. I wrote this illustrated children’s book in the hopes that it will be used as a tool for families to help teach children about their body and how to others. It is designed to be a friendly and interactive book with questions for discussion and a fun game to play. Topics include:
Good Touch Bad Touch
Private VS Public places
Consent & Respect
Respecting Body Boundaries
No Means No - Body Autonomy